Michigan Disorderly Conduct Lawyers


Disorderly conduct is a misdemeanor in Michigan that is frequently charged under local ordinance rather than state law (local ordinance language is usually similar to state law). Michigan’s disorderly conduct statute covers a wide variety of conduct. A disorderly person is defined as any of the following:

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  • A person of sufficient ability who refuses or neglects to support his or her family.
  • A common prostitute.
  • A window peeper.
  • A person who engages in an illegal occupation or business.
  • A person who is intoxicated in a public place and who is either endangering directly the safety of another person or of property or is acting in a manner that causes a public disturbance.
  • A person who is engaged in indecent or obscene conduct in a public place.
  • A vagrant.
  • A person found begging in a public place.
  • A person found loitering in a house of ill fame or prostitution or place where prostitution or lewdness is practiced, encouraged, or allowed.
  • A person who knowingly loiters in or about a place where an illegal occupation or business is being conducted.
  • A person who loiters in or about a police station, police headquarters building, county jail, hospital, court building, or other public building or place for the purpose of soliciting employment of legal services or the services of sureties upon criminal recognizance.
  • A person who is found jostling or roughly crowding people unnecessarily in a public place.

Our Lawyers May Be Able To Get The Michigan Disorderly Conduct Charge Dismissed

Disorderly conduct is a ‘catch all’ type of misdemeanor that is frequently issued in situations where the conduct is quite possibly legal or at least not deserving of a misdemeanor conviction. Disorderly conduct tickets are fairly common in places that have a lot of young people consuming alcohol.

In many Michigan disorderly conduct cases we have been able to arrange charge dismissals either through plea agreements, delayed sentences or through other diversionary programs. Don’t let a disorderly conduct charge sully your criminal record – it may be avoidable.

Give us a call for a free consultation with an experienced Michigan criminal defense lawyer. Call (248) 865-9640 or fill out our consultation form.